

Bighorner are strongly mutated big horn sheep, as one was able to find them in the south western USA on numerous farms before the Great War. A few of them have survived the Great War strongly mutated.

Their horns have become grotesquely large and usually cover most of the whole back of the bighorners. The animals are the size of brahmin and their fur is no longer able to be converted into wool.

Their minimal and maximal stats look like this:

Strength Perception Endurance Charisma Intelligence Agility Luck Courage
Minimal 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Maximal 8 6 7 7 7 5 10 6

To the minimal stats 33 points may be added.

The statistics explained:









Strength decides how much damage a bighorner does in combat and further rules exceptional feats of strength that the animal might have to perform.

Perception works the same way for animals as it does for humans: it decides how well a bighorner can recognize a threat or maybe a flight path.

Endurance rules the hit points of the animal. Bighorner have 20 + 2 * EN hit points. Furthermore endurance also may decide whether or not the animal manages certain great efforts.

Animals can suck up, too. This value shows how trusting the animal is.

Each point the animal has on intelligence gives a +5 bonus to training.

For each point of agility a bighorner can move for 3 cm in a combat round.
(AG = action points).

As with humans, luck determines everything and nothing.

Courage determines how much a bighorner tries to stand up to danger. Please remember that these animals are herd animals that dislike being in danger. It’s therefore rather uncommon for one to run through a burning stable to save


A fully grown bighorner costs around 150 $ and eats and drinks for about 35 $ a week.


Bighorner are rather easy to train and are very docile animals: on the other hand and despite many tries by wasteland dwellers, they can’t be used as pack animals and not even as draft animals. But their skin makes for good leather and their meat is healthy and tasty.

The training, that is, making them very docile, needs a skill of 35 and takes three months.


A bighorner can walk for about 45 km a day. In combat a bighorner moves for 3 cm per action point.

Bighorner in combat:

Bighorners have an armor rating of 4 against normal damage, against laser, explosives and electrical damage as well as 2 against plasma and fire.

Bighorners attack with two different attacks:

Ramming attacks can be applied by a bighorner if it has previously moved towards an enemy for three AP in a straight line.

Such an attack does 1 D6 + ST : 2 damage.

If they do not come running, they can still kick. Such an attack does 1 D3 + ST : 3 damage.

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