




Small bathtub

Large bathtub


Small boiler

Small boiler (electrical)

Large Boiler

Large Boiler


This really needs no description. A toilet, using water to flush away waste products. Needs a proper sewage system to work, which one can only find in the more affluent or larger cities.

A small toilet for liquid waste, only. As with it’s larger cousin, it needs a proper sewage system.

A shower is a tiny bathtub in which one stands. Some showers, the more primitive types, use an overhead water reservoir and preheated water, while the more complex versions require a
proper sewage system.

A small bathtub, just big enough for someone to sit in while they are surrounded with waist high water.

A large bathtub, long and wide enough for one full sized Super Mutant to enjoy a soak.

A small sink to wash one’s hands in, or maybe do some laundry, brush one’s teeth…

A small water container heated by a wood fire or gas or anything but electricity.

A small boiler using electrical power to heat a small amount of water.

A larger boiler for a larger amount of water, once more heated by something that burns rather than electricity.

A large boiler using electrical power to heat a big amount of water.

A hole in the ground and some wood above it, surrounded by a tiny hut. It’s the most primitive solution for waste, but it works even without a sewage system or even electricity.

Starting at 50 $

up to 150 $

Starting at 75 $

up to 200 $

Starting at 35 $

up to 100 $

Starting at 55 $

up to 100 $

Starting at 90 $

up to 140 $

Starting at 70 $

up to 120 $

Starting at 60 $

up to 130 $

Starting at 120 $

up to 250 $

Starting at 120 $

up to 235 $

Starting at 240 $

up to 480 $

Starting at 25 $

up to 35 $

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