Special rules:


Generally, everyone needs to sleep occasionally, even though many consider sleeping no adequate replacement for coffee. In principle, all humans, ghouls and super mutants need sleep, but they differ on how much.


A human will be getting tired at the latest after 3.5 hours * Endurance.  Tired humans have disadvantages at all they try to do: -1 to all main stat tests and -8 to all tests on skills.

After 4.5 hours * Endurance humans are especially tired and need sleep a lot more urgently. -2 to all main stat tests and -17 to all tests on skills.

After 5 hours * Endurance a human is really at the end of their strength: -4 to all main stat tests and -35 to all tests on skills.

Sleep: 8 hours are enough for every overly tired human. They are once more reads for new exertions and fully rested.

Between 6 and 8 hours of sleep are nearly enough. If a human slept only that long, they need to pass a simple test on Endurance. If they pass, the human is fully rested. If they fail, the human is busy waking up for two hours: -1 to all tests on main stats and -5 to all tests on skills. One could counter that with caffeine, but please talk that over with the master.

4 to 6 hours are basically a glorified nap. The endurance test is more difficult by 2 points. Is it passed, the character still needs a while until they are fully awake: for 3 hours -3 to all main stats and -10 to all tests on skills.

Below 4 hours is just not enough: The character is strongly impaired until they find the time to sleep some more: - 3 to all main stats and -17 to all tests on skills.


Ghouls become tired after 3 hours * Endurance. Tired ghouls have disadvantages with all they do: -1 to all tests on main stats and -8 to all tests on skills.

After 4 hours * endurance ghouls become really tired and need sleep more urgently: -2 to all tests on main stats and -17 to all tests on skills.

After 4.5 hours * endurance a ghoul is really at the end of their strength: -4 to all main stats and -35 to all tests on skills.

Sleep: Ghouls may be exhausted faster, but they need less sleep. 6 hours are enough for every ghoul to restart working.

4 to 6 hours are nearly enough. If a ghoul has slept only that much, they must only pass a simple endurance test. If it passed, they are fully rested. If it fails, the ghoul is busy waking up for the next to hours: -1 to all tests on endurance and -5 to all tests on skills. One could counter that with caffeine, but please talk that over with the master.

2 to 4 hours are basically a glorified nap. The endurance test is more difficult by 2 points. Is it passed, the character still needs a while until they are fully awake: for 3 hours -3 to all main stats and -10 to all tests on skills.

Below 2 hours is just too little: The character is strongly impaired until they find time to really sleep: -3 to all tests on main stats and -17 to all tests on skills.

Super Mutants:

A super mutant will be getting tired after 4.5 hours * endurance at the latest. Tired mutants have disadvantages with all they do: -1 to all tests on main stats and -8 to all tests on skills.

After 5.5 hours * endurance mutants are especially tired and need sleep more urgently: -2 to all main stat tests and -17 to all tests on skills.

After 6.5 hours * endurance even a super mutant is really at the end of his strength: -4 to all main stat tests and -35 to all tests on skills.

Super Mutants need amazingly little sleep: they work fine with 3 hours in one go and are fully rested after that.

If they only slept 1 to 2 hours that’s nearly enough for them. An endurance test with a difficulty of 1 and they can keep going. If they fail that test, they are busy waking up for one hour: -1 to all tests on main stats and -10 to all skills.

If a super mutant had less than an hour of sleep that was too little even for them. The character is strongly impaired until they find time to sleep properly: -3 to all main stats and -17 to all tests on skills.

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